Monday, November 2, 2009


Well, it's day one thousand eighty million ninety three point four since I first started this blog, and my promise of writing something every day has FAILED miserably. Yeah, I don't know what to write, I will come up with interesting things later, hopefully. Yay for secret blogs! Larry Out.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


So I wanted to write/post something here everyday, but as you can see, that failed. Well too late to change it now. So for news this week was Spirit Week for my school, and since I am a senior I decided that if I was ever going to do spirit week I might as well do it now. So I did. First day was school colors, I tried to find blue and grey. Tuesday was twin day, Ashley (a friend) and I somewhat tried to match, and thus we were twins. Yesterday was color day, Seniors were red. I felt super cool in my red Ritter Sport polo. Marzipan is my flavor and I love it. And so today, Thursday, was NATIONALITY DAY! Haha, so I took my dad's lederhosen and some awesome knee high red socks, and went as any other crazy German man. The problem is that I am a short little blonde girl, haha, it was fun though and I put my German speaking skills to good use. Tomorrow is Jersey day, so I am wearing my father's Germany Soccer jersey from the world cup. >:D oh how it is great to be German.

p.s. I will put up some lovely pictures later, hopefully.

-Peace out, girl scout

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So Many Birthdays!

Ahhh!! Birthdays!!! It's crazy I say. I also say that I will So today is my lovely father's birthday, as well as a somewhat friend of mine, oh and Kakashi's attempt to write something here EVERY DAY. Haha like that is ever going to happen. It's kinda like what I am doing with my sketch book, I am trying to use a page a day in it. Well for school that is. And so far it has been good, 4 days down, loads more to go. Maybe I will put up some pictures here.... eventually.

So! Today was a lovely day, I woke up and decided to wear my Heineken sweatshirt to school, and I was all happy and ready to go. Then when I got to school I had to put tape over my sweatshirt where it said Heineken, which sucked, or else I would have gotten an in-school suspension, which would suck even more. I am just overall depressed because I couldn't show off my super cool sweatshirt. /sob

Blue Lion out.

Monday, September 14, 2009


So. Starting out. Yup, blogging is going to be fun. Honestly I am not sure why I am doing this, but hey I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon enough, and I will enjoy it. Most likely I will enjoy it, hopefully. Just one thing I have to say is that they don't have the font that I like to write in. Just saying that. Oh and also, I know this is kinda lame but if anyone has "tips" that they would like to share with me, as in what I should be doing here and what not, that would be lovely. Alright, Larry out.